Fall 2024

CLASSES will be held at  St. John’s Norway Church  1x/wk, for 40 min, and limited to 10 children (plus a parent or caregiver if applicable). The material is structured around the participants, and no two terms are ever alike!

The 10-wk Fall term runs:
SAT: Sept 21 – Nov 30, x Oct 12 (no classes Thanksgiving weekend)
TUE:  Sept 24 – Nov 26

Missing a class? Np! Classes can be made up within the term, in any appropriate age group, by pre-arrangement, or may be transferred to a sibling or friend who would like to try a class! In the event of an unscheduled cancelled class, it will be made up at the end of the term (Dec 3 & 7)

How can we make the schedule work better for you? Please email suggestions to: littlevoices@sympatico.ca

“WIGGLERS & WANDERERS” (born in ’23 & ’24)
We’ll learn songs and rhymes for playing with fingers & toes, clapping, bouncing, tickling, swinging, and playing “Peek-a-boo”. There’ll be instruments for aural AND oral stimulation 😉 Puppets, scarves & little dances heighten the enjoyment until lullaby-time brings a soothing close. Tue 1:30

“FAMILY MUSIC” ~ all ages!
Let’s make music together! We’ll clap, tap, rock & sing, dance with colourful scarves, and play drums, tambourines, shakers, bells, rainsticks, rhythm sticks, finger cymbals and more! Parents & caregivers with only one child are welcome, too. Sat 9:30  

“RHYTHMATICS” ~ JK/SK  (without a grownup)
We’ll have fun exploring beat, pitch, rhythm & dynamics, while playing singing games, creating sound effects for stories and poems, and improvising with percussion instruments from around the world, including all kinds of drums, xylophones, tambourines, shakers, bells, and much more! Musical literacy will be introduced. Sat 10:25

“KODORFF” ~ Grades 1-3 (SK by special permission)
Kodaly & Orff teaching methods are combined with a dash of Dalcroze, so learning is vibrant and active. We’ll play clapping and singing games, then transfer the rhythms to almost anything that can be struck, shaken, or rubbed to make sound! We’ll also create “soundscapes” for stories & poems, and begin to learn the basics of reading & writing music. Sat 11:20  

“U-CAN UKULELE!” ~ for 6-9 yr olds
Ukulele has been shown to be one of the most versatile instruments around, and one of the best for children to get started on. And, hey… it’s fun! Students must provide their own instrument (GCEA tuning).  Tue or Thur 4:00/4:40 (for children with little or no previous experience), Wed 4:40 (for students who completed last year’s program or have some experience).

For private/semi-private ukulele lessons please email: littlevoices@sympatico.ca