Early Fall 2021

Let’s sing & dance outside a little longer, while we can! Classes will be held once a week, for 4-wks, for 40 minutes, and limited to 12 children (plus their grownups, if applicable), or the number of people allowed under government regulations.

WED: Sept 8 – Sept 29 (this day will be virtual classes, only)
FRI:  Sept 10 – Oct 1
SAT: Sept 11 – Oct 2
MON: Sept 13 – Oct 4
TUE: Sept 14 – Oct 5

“FAMILY MUSIC” ~ all ages
Let’s make some music together! We’ll clap, stamp, dance & sing, and have fun with “found sounds”, or anything you’ve been able to make or bring with you (a different set of sounds will be explored each week).
Fri: 10:15 at Monarch Park
Sat: 9:30 at Monarch Park
Mon: 10:15 at Kew Gardens
Tue: 10:15 at Monarch Park

“WIGGLERS” & “WANDERERS” ~ born in ’21 & ‘20
In this age-specific class, you’ll learn songs & rhymes for clapping, bouncing, swinging, tickling, finding toes & noses, and playing peek-a-boo with your little one! Puppets, little dances, and the discovery of musical sounds heightens the enjoyment, until lullaby-time brings a soothing close.
Fri: 11:10 at Monarch Park
Mon: 11:10 at Kew Gardens
(Note: This class will also be offered virtually on Wed at 1:30, for those who prefer the added safety, convenience and value of an online class. There will be some signing in the Wed class.)

We’ll have fun with beat, pitch, rhythm & dynamics while playing singing games, creating sound effects for stories and poems, and improvising with sounds from around the house, as well as some we’ve created!
Mon: 4:50 at Monarch Park or Kew Gardens

“KODORFF” ~ Grades 1-3 (SK by special permission)
“Kodaly” & “Orff” teaching methods are combined with a dash of “Dalcroze”, so learning is vibrant and active. We’ll play clapping and singing games, then transfer the rhythms to anything that can be struck, shaken, or rubbed to make sound! We’ll create soundscapes for stories & poems, and begin to learn the basics of reading & writing music.
Mon: 4:00 at Monarch Park at Kew Gardens